Mumbai attackers more tech savvy than the police

When the attackers arrived on the shores of Mumbai last month, they had studied satellite images of the city, were carrying handheld GPS sets and were communicating with their handlers via the Internet and satellite phone.

Many of the Indian police they encountered did not even have walkie-talkies.

The Mumbai gunmen not only overwhelmed security forces with their weaponry and willingness to die, but also with their sophisticated use of technology, security experts said.

By MUNEEZA NAQVI and MIN LEE, Associated Press Writers

“These (terrorists) are well aware of the technology available and also know that the police are several steps behind. And a lot of this technology is extremely easy to use and to learn,” said Pavan Duggal, a technology expert and New Delhi-based lawyer.

India‘s underfunded and poorly trained police force is simply unable to compete, experts said.

“Crimes that involve technology usually make the police very nervous,” Duggal said.

An Indian policeman stands guard at a police complex believed ... 
An Indian policeman stands guard at a police complex believed to be housing the lone surviving gunman, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab from the recent attacks in Mumbai December 11, 2008. Indian police will charge the lone surviving gunman of last month’s Mumbai attacks on 12 counts, including waging war against the state, officials said on Wednesday.REUTERS/Arko Datta (INDIA)

To prepare for their Nov. 26 assault, militants examined the layout and landscape of the city using images from Google Earth, which provides satellite photos for much of the planet over the Internet, said Mumbai’s chief police investigator, Rakesh Maria.

The 10 gunmen also studied detailed photographs of their targets on laptop computers, Maria said.

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This Nov. 26, 2008, file photo shows a gunman walking at the ... 
This Nov. 26, 2008, file photo shows a gunman walking at the Chatrapathi Sivaji Terminal railway station in Mumbai, India. The lone gunman to survive the Mumbai terror attacks was a petty street thug from a dusty Pakistani outpost who was systematically transformed into a highly trained suicide guerrilla over 18 months in jihadist camps, India’s top investigator into the attacks said Saturday. Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 21, was one of the 10 men who came ashore on small rubber raft Nov. 26, divided into five pairs and attacked some of Mumbai’s best known and most beloved landmarks.(AP Photo/Mumbai Mirror, Sebastian D’souza, File) CREDIT MANDATORY

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