China Says It Needs an Aircraft Carrier for “Comprehensive Power”

In an international crisis, insiders say, the President of the United States often asks: “Where are the carriers?”  This doesn’t happen in many nations including China because few nations have aircraft carriers…


China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesman said Tuesday that aircraft carriers are “a reflection of a nation’s comprehensive power” and are needed to meet the demands of a country’s navy.

The Chinese government would seriously consider “relevant issues” with “factors in every aspects” on building its first ever aircraft carrier, said the spokesman Huang Xueping when responding to a question on whether it was a good opportunity at present to build China’s aircraft carrier, at a press conference.

“China has a long coastline and the sacred duty of China’s armed forces is to safeguard the country’s marine safety and sovereignty over coastal areas and territorial seas,” he said.

China has reportedly been working to rapidly modernize its fleet.

China has reportedly been working to rapidly modernize its fleet.

The ministry was explaining to reporters the deployment of the Chinese Navy as a convoy task force against pirates off Somalia. Three Chinese ships would head for the Somali region on Friday.

“The deployment of the Chinese navy off the Somali coast was in line with UN resolutions,” said Huang, adding it would “play a positive role in safeguarding peace and security in that area.”

From China Daily and Xinhua

Russia, India, China cooperate on new aircraft carriers


On the PLA (Navy) deploymant on anti-pirate patrol near Somalia, Rear Admiral Xiao Xinnian said, “This demonstrates that the Chinese government is committed to the international community and a responsible player and a major country in the world.”

Xiao also said the action “demonstrates the capability of the Chinese navy to deal with multiple security threats.”

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