Israel Planning First Ever Nation Wide Defense Drill

The “enemy” clearly is a nuclear Iran headed by someone who wants to eliminate Israel.


By Yaakov Katz
Jerusalem Post

The exercise, scheduled for July, is called Turning Point 3. It will be the third home front exercise to be held since the Second Lebanon War and the founding of the National Emergency Administration (NEA), the Defense Ministry body responsible for setting national emergency standards.

Turning Point 1 was held in the summer of 2007 and drilled the IDF, Israel Police, Fire and Rescue Services, Home Front Command and other emergency organizations. The second drill, held last April, included all of the above plus various government ministries.


“The third drill will include all of the emergency organizations, all of the government ministries [and] the entire civilian population,” a top NEA official told The Jerusalem Post this week. “People will be asked to go into their protected rooms or bomb shelters and ensure that they know what to do in the event of a war.”

On Monday, the NEA conducted an exercise for government spokespeople to see how they would function during a crisis. Spokespeople from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Defense Ministry, IDF, Home Front Command, Israel Police and other bodies participated in the event, which was overseen by NEA head Brig.-Gen. (res.) Ze’ev Zuk-Ram.

“It is important that we have a unified message and not confuse the public,” the NEA official said. “The problem today is that each ministry has several spokespersons and all of the ministries do not always coordinate what they are doing.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium ... 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.(AFP/File/Atta Kenare)

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