In China, Bush remains a popular president

He is shown in a dozen flattering photographs at a Beijing exhibit marking 30 years of Sino-U.S. diplomatic ties. Many Chinese openly express affection toward Xiao Bush, or ‘Young Bush.’
By Barbara Demick
Los Angeles Times
January 15, 2009
Reporting from Beijing — Walk into the exhibit hall at Beijing’s Cultural Palace of Nationalities and there is George W. Bush, larger than life on a 15-foot-high video screen, praising China’s growth.

The 43rd American president is shown again, waving an American flag with his wife, at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, and yet again, walking with Chinese President Hu Jintao past an honor guard in the Great Hall of the People.
Bush might be leaving office with record-high disapproval ratings in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, but he has many fans in China. He is depicted in a dozen flattering photographs on display at an exhibit in Beijing marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations.

Contemplating his imminent departure, many Chinese are openly expressing affection toward the man they call Xiao Bush, or “Young Bush,” to distinguish him from “Old Bush,” the 41st U.S. president.

“Bush made some mistakes in foreign policy, especially with Iraq, but for the Chinese, he had been a true friend,” said Mao Baoshu, a retired nuclear specialist who was attending the exhibit Tuesday.

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Beijing exhibit 
A man views a picture of George Bush next to one of Chinese President Hu Jintao at an exhibition in Beijing celebrating 30 years of China-U.S. diplomatic relations. Photo: Guang Niu / Getty Images

 Bash Bush; But China Will Miss Him

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