Birth Control is Part of Economic ‘Stimulus,’ Where Is My Viagra?

If you think the government is too much a part of your life how do you feel about the Fed in your love life and bedroom.

The economic stimulus includes monies for “family planning” and birth control.

On ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos   House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was challenged by the host on the issue and she said she had “no apologies.”

Pelosi, who has said in the past she is a Roman Catholic, has also been attacked in the past on her pontificating on the subject of abortion.

Vice President Joe Biden has also been named by the Vatican for his distortions of Catholic teaching.  But Biden’s public talks often confuse even those not easily baffled….

How about fee Viagra in the “stumulus package”?



By Margaret Talev
McClatchy Newspapers

President Barack Obama signed a memorandum on Friday that ends a prohibition on supplying federal family planning funds and contraceptives to international aid groups that provide abortions, abortion referrals or abortion counseling.

Obama’s move came a day after the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights Supreme Court ruling of 1973, and an annual march in Washington to protest the decision. Abortion opponents were critical of Obama’s order, while abortion rights groups said it could help prevent millions of unintended pregnancies worldwide and save thousands of women’s lives each year.

“For too long, international family planning assistance has been used as a political wedge issue, the subject of a back and forth debate that has served only to divide us,” Obama said in a statement issued along with the memorandum he signed. “I have no desire to continue this stale and fruitless debate.”

He said he’d ask his administration to initiate a “fresh conversation” on family planning, and to seek common ground with abortion opponents.

“I have directed my staff to reach out to those on all sides of this issue to achieve the goal of reducing unintended pregnancies,” Obama said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called Obama’s move “welcome news to the poorest women and families in the world.”

Conservatives weren’t as receptive. Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House Republican whip, issued a statement calling Obama’s quick move on the family planning issue “divisive.”

Read the rest:

Critics of Obama “Arrogance” on Life and Death Issues

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