Blogoyevich Erased From Illinois Psyche; Refuses Suicide

Rod Blogoyevich took his last ride in the aircraft designated for the Governor of Illinois yesterday.  Just before he was removed as governor, the phone rang and he said, “I’ll tell you what. I’m not jumping out. Not for those people, no way. I don’t like heights.”

So ended one of the wild chaperts in Illinois and Chicago politics.

Today, at the state house in Illinois, Blago is just a bad memory.

A worker replaces ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's picture with that of Pat Quinn.

A worker replaces ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s picture with that of Pat Quinn.

Maybe Blago is dead meat as a politician and maybe he is just starting as an “American Idol” or celebrity.

He said to the media, “You’ll keep covering me if I have anything to say, won’t you?”

See the CNN report:

Blagojevich: Wacko, Pathological, Grandiose and Narcissistic: But Criminal?

2 Responses to “Blogoyevich Erased From Illinois Psyche; Refuses Suicide”

  1. Milehigh Says:

    Blago, the egomania, after his pathetic going away statement, tried to pick up a young (minor) child amongst the tiny street crowd. It was Blago’s attempt to gain some sympathy from his betrayed followers, sorta of like Saddam Hussein did when he was holding U.S. military men hostage – remember the sight of that little Iraqi kid trembling at the touch of Saddam?

    The best thing that could happen to this pitiful character, Blago, is to have him transported to another time warp via time machine, as in back to the future. No trial, no more tv interviews, no more press. Simply gone.

  2. Blue Proctor Says:

    Going once…gone! Now that was quick. I wonder if he’ll be charged in criminal court. There is still that Federal arrest matter. I think we’ll be seeing of him again. Then its off to jail for a while. What at incredible buffoon. I feel bad for the people of IL and how long they had to put up with him. Good riddance!

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