Democratic Senator Calls Resignations from Obama Team “Awkward, Embarrassing, Troublesome”

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska said today the resignation of two of President Obama’s nominees for top government posts was “awkward, embarrassing and troublesome.”

He said the vetting process for top jobs was “robust” but good people can still be forced to drop out.

“The process is working,” Nelson said.  “No one person is indispensible.”

Ben Nelson

Warning that a deep economic recession must be prevented from  “going into a depression,” Sen. Ben Nelson said Tuesday it’s urgent to stimulate job creation and protection.

“We can’t afford the old games of division and partisan politics,” the Democratic senator said.

What the country faces is “the most severe economic downturn in decades, and perhaps ever,” he warned.

“It’s a tough vote,” Nelson acknowledged, because people are “worried about borrowing money to stimulate the economy.”


 Daschle Out; Major Obama Setback

 Daschle Passes Point of No Return; Now Major Embarrassment to Obama

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