Obama says US is losing war in Afghanistan and hints at Taleban talks

President Obama conceded today that the US was not winning the war in Afghanistan and opened the way for negotiations with moderate elements of the Taleban, much as America did with Sunni tribes in Iraq.

The new strategy, which comes as Mr Obama prepares to send an additional 17,000 US troops into Afghanistan, emerged after a frenetic 48 hours of American diplomacy in the region involving new overtures to Iran, Russia and the Muslim world.

The fresh approach to Tehran is causing significant concern in Israel and the Arab world over fears that Mr Obama is making too many concessions to Iran at a time when his own officials say it now has enough enriched uranium to make one nuclear weapon.

Mr Obama’s admission of the dire situation in Afghanistan followed an invitation to Iran by Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, to participate in a US-headed regional conference on Afghanistan later this month.

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One Response to “Obama says US is losing war in Afghanistan and hints at Taleban talks”

  1. llabesab Says:

    While the Terrorist Saudis who tried to “out” the White Hose failed, a Terrorist has taken over the White House. And here we thought that stained blue dresses were the height of abasement. Oh Bill Clinton! Where are you when we really need you.

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