China, Japan Cancel Summit: Islands, Oil Remain Sticking Point

Japan’s Premier Taro Aso will not visit China this month, Japanese government officials said Tuesday, following earlier reports that Tokyo and Beijing were trying to schedule a summit in March.

“We’ve been coordinating with China to hold the meeting as soon as possible, but we now recognise that realising it in March is difficult,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told reporters.


No firm dates had been announced by either government, but Japanese officials had told reporters both sides were trying to schedule Aso’s meetings with China’s President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao for late March.

The foreign ministry denied a Japanese media report Tuesday that China had postponed the meetings because of anger over Aso’s recent comments on the disputed Senkaku Islands, called the Diaoyu Islands by China.

“Between Japan and China, top government officials have visited each other on five occasions since last year,” an official said. “Foreign Minister (Hirofumi) Nakasone also visited Beijing earlier this month.”

“The relationship between China and Japan is very good right now.”

Aso last month said in parliament that Japan would ask the United States to defend the East China Sea archipelago, which is also claimed by Taiwan, in case of an attack, drawing a sharp rebuke from Beijing.

Aso and China’s leaders are set to attend the April 2 Group of 20 financial summit in London, where they could meet on the sidelines.

 China Violates Accord with Japan, Continues Oil Work At Sea
China Warship Rushes to Disputed Islands, Oil Beneath: Ace To Other Nations’ Claims?

China drill at sea

A file Philippine Air Force photo shows Chinese built structures ... 
A file Philippine Air Force photo shows Chinese built structures on the Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea. China on Monday defended its move to send a patrol ship to the disputed Spratly islands, saying it was not a violation of an agreement to maintain the peace in the area.(AFP/PAF/HO/File)

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