We Hope Obama Learns, Some Bad Decisions and Lost Bipartisanship Can Never Again Be Retrieved

Now we know, or learned again, why “seasoned” and experienced executives and lawmakers make good presidents.

For one thing, seasoned executives make good decisions.

And most governors and experienced lawmakers understand the fine art of bipartisanship.

Barack Obama catapaulted, or was thrust by an eager Democrat leadership, from community organizer to senator and then to candidate for president because, as Joe Biden said, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

So, Barack Obama became, without much experience at bipartisanship, and basically zero experience at executive decision making, the President of the United States.

So the decision to release the CIA torture documents turned out badly.  The decision to allow Hugo Chavez to bushwack him turned out badly.  You decide on other decisions like bowing to the saudi King and flying to Iowa and back to give a 20 minute talk on energy conservation on Earth Day and hosting a cabinet meeting to boast about saving jut $100 million….while spending $1 billion each day….which is mostly borrowed from China….

And bipartisanship is likely dead forever now that the senate will cram health care down Republican throats without even the possibility of a filibuster — which is a tactic used when the opposition is totally frustrated….

It seems to us at Peace and Freedom that the president never reakky knew “bipartisansip” means.

We went to a congressional staff in the early 1970s and learned back then that bipartisanship means:

(1)   At the start of every piece of legislation, both parties meet to discuss, share ideas and formulate, at least conceptually, new law.

(2) That both parties treat the other side with dignity and respect, sharing ideas in order to get the best for the American people.

(3)  Both sides tell the truth and neither tries to seize the high ground and gloat over the other before the media.

In the case of this stimulus, President Obama talked a good game of bipartisanship but he was clueless on how to achieve it.

His Williamsburg, Va., spa speech and his evening press conference in the White House were both partisan speeches….which included ugly distortions and lies.

Nancy Pelosi shut out Republican input at the start of the process to build the stimulus bill and minutes before voting on final passage there were still complaints that the bill had been “hidden” from lawmakers and the American people intentioanlly by the Democratic side.

Mr. Obama’s personal “bipartisan outreach” consisted of:

–”I won.”

–Efforts to give “goodies” to Republicans like a Super Bowl party, rides on Air Force One and a cocktail party at the White House as if they could be bought like children at Christams.

–”Cram this down throats” at the spa in Williamsburg.

–Campaign-style events at Peoria, Fort Myers, and Elkhart…

–Photo op sessions with Republicans in the House and then the Senate.

–Not one “roll up the sleeves” and negotiate session with both parties at the White House. The pseudo president in the movie “Dave” did a better job of this that Mr. Obama…..

–A big lie at Peoria: “Yesterday, Jim [Owens], the head of Caterpillar, said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off,” Obama said in Peoria.

But when asked if the stimulus could do that, Owens said, “I think, realistically, no. The honest reality is we’re probably going to have more layoffs before we start hiring again.”

So we have to expect some really bad decisions and some lack of bipartisanship from Barack Obama.  He just didn’t have the experience to be [president and he is getting a lot of on the job training….That’s one of the major stories of the first 100 days….

Missteps by Obama, White House Created Interrogation Furor
Obama’s Team Stages Insane Looking Cabinet Meeting: Arms Them With Squirt Guns To Put Out Forest Fire in Economy, Fed Spending
If you had told me some of these Obama stories three months ago I would have said “impossible!”
Obama White House Engineered Photo Ops, Publicity Stunts Not Always Honest, Well Conceived


From Fox News

Mark your calendar: April 21, 2009. That’s when the Era of Bipartisanship died. 

That’s what some Republicans suggested after President Obama opened the possibility of a congressional investigation and prosecution of Justice Department lawyers who authorized “enhanced” interrogation techniques on terror suspects during the Bush administration.

If the coffin needs a final nail, it will come if Democrats decide to fast-track Obama’s legislative priorities through a budget maneuver known as “reconciliation.”

Democrats in the House and Senate agreed Friday on a budget framework that would protect Obama’s health care plan from a Republican filibuster using the tactic.

Republicans and some Democrats oppose reconciliation because it would prevent a long debate on what they consider complex issues.

Bipartisanship was already on life support after Republicans largely opposed the president’s economic policies, and it took a turn for the worse on Tuesday when Obama said it would be up to his attorney general to determine whether “those who formulated those legal decisions” behind the interrogation methods should be prosecuted.



One Response to “We Hope Obama Learns, Some Bad Decisions and Lost Bipartisanship Can Never Again Be Retrieved”

  1. Godless American Says:

    Now that’s funny. You crafted the satire so well, it almost seems real how you think Bush and the GOP did a better, more bipartisan job than Obama and the Dems. Whoo! Wow, that was a good one. LMFAO.

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