Rethink Practice of Governors Filling Vacant U.S. Senate Seats

Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat was allegedly for sale in Illinois.  Then the tarnished Governor made a circus out of appoining a new U.S. Senator and there seemed a strong message in his news conference that the seat was reserved for African Americans.  Only.

Why shouldn’t the people decide?

Blago’s pick said the appointment was legal.  Great: but it that how we want one of only 100 national lawmakers to get into office?  He’s legal?  So is a lot of seafood….

Above: Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich, right, named Roland Burris to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the Senate. Photo: Amanda Rivkin for The New York Times

In New York, a lady with a big name and not much to say is the leading contender for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton.  The lady with the big name and lots of money hasn’t shown much interest in politics or issues previously and seems unable to articulate positions on many topics today, you know?
So in New York we have a celebrity auction for the U.S. Senate.  Why not decide on “American Idol”?

Why can’t the voters decide?

Governors appointing U.S. Senators seems to make a mockery of democrocy and takes away a key right and priviledge of every voter: to see, evaluate and decide for themselves after a “campaign.”

What we have now in these two “appointment” capers is a media circus of attention and vote by writers, reporters and pundits of the “high profile” possibilities.

These are the last people on earth I trust with my vote…

And if the voters are not asked to decide then put into place a “caretaker” system that allows a person of stature, wisdom and skill to fill the Senate seat while promising not to run in the next election.  At that time we can go back to an elected Senator with unknown wisdom and skill….

John E. Carey
Wakefield Chapel, Virginia

Blagojevich Playing The “Race Card”? Hurting Illinois, Obama, African Americans?
Caroline Kennedy Has “Nothing to Say” (And Says It Badly)
From CNN:

New York Gov. David Paterson speaks during a news conference ... 
New York Gov. David Paterson speaks during a news conference in Albany, N.Y., Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008. Caroline Kennedy has told Paterson that she’s interested in the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton, making her the highest-profile candidate to express a desire for the job.(AP Photo)

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