Countries that will miss George Bush

A lot has been written about George W Bush’s unpopularity around the globe – but what about those places where the outgoing president was popular?

As he leaves office with a record high domestic disapproval rate – 73%, according to an October ABC News/Washington Post poll – President George W Bush can perhaps take some comfort from the fact that this feeling is not uniformly shared abroad.

By Kim Ghattas
BBC News, Washington

In China, Bush remains a popular president

While the shoe-throwing incident in Iraq may come to symbolise the world’s opinion of a president who is often referred to as the worst in America’s history, some corners of the world will miss the 43rd president of the United States.

He has approval ratings of around 80% in Africa, according to some polls, and in Kosovo a main street was named after him to thank him for supporting Kosovo’s independence.

“It is generally accepted in the US that Bush has generated hatred for America around the world,” says Peter Berkowitz, a fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution.

“But the picture is not black and white,” he added.

Israeli ties

In the last days of his administration, Mr Bush again demonstrated his unwavering support for Israel as it pounded Gaza.

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