Obama, Biden: Fight Scandal, Corruption, Bad Government Please….

New government or old government we all want and deserve good government.  Honesty.  Integrity.  Wisdom.  But most of all no illegal activity.

One Democrat will miss Barack Obama’s inauguration in Washington DC today:  Portland, Oregon Mayor Sam Adams, who lied about an affair with a youngster….

This comes soon after the Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon scandal broke into the media…

Among other things, the city’s first black female mayor is accused of stealing gift cards meant for needy families and treating herself to fur coats and pricey hotel stays on her developer-boyfriend’s tab.

Jurors in Baltimore city, typical jurors, they render verdicts from the gut,” said Warren A. Brown, a city defense attorney for more than 20 years. “To hell with the law, to hell with the facts, they will render a verdict that they think is fair, is right.”

Not so fast with that “to hell with the law” talk, Sport.

Add to this the troubles of the Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and others before him (like Spitzer in New York and the Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick….) and it is obvious that we still have a way to go before we know that our governments are “clean”….

Kwame Kilpatrick
Former Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick

Good lesson for the New Obama Administration: keep it clean and honest….


Associated Press

More than a year after denying it, the newly elected mayor of Portland has admitted having a sexual relationship with a male teenager in 2005.

Sam Adams, who is openly gay, acknowledged the relationship in a statement Monday, after the Willamette Week newspaper broke the story on its Web site.

In Washington, D.C., for the inauguration, Adams will cut his trip short to issue a public apology Tuesday afternoon in Portland, said Wade Nkrumah, his spokesman.

Adams, 45, said he and the teen were together in the summer of 2005, shortly after the teenager turned 18 in June, and when Adams was a city commissioner. The revelations come nearly a year and a half after Adams and the teen said rumors of a sexual relationship between them were false.

“I lied at the time because I was afraid that people would believe untrue rumors being circulated by an undeclared mayoral opponent that I had broken a law involving sexual relations with a minor. But this is not a good excuse,” Adams said in his statement.

Despite the rumors, Adams coasted to victory in his race, making Portland the largest U.S. city to ever elect an openly gay mayor. He was sworn in Jan. 1.

In his statement Monday, Adams apologized to the teen for making him lie about the relationship. He also apologized to colleagues and voters.

The young man, now 21, did not immediately return a request for comment.

Democratic Scandals Boring, Less Sexual, But Genuine
Carville’s 2009 Predictions: Stand By For More Democrat Scandals

By Sara Smith
News 4, NBC, New York

Now Democrats have reclaimed the White House and both parties of Congress, so of course they’re obliged to pull double duty in both sexual and political scandals. Let’s see, they’ve got the sex scandals pretty well covered: who can forget such luminaries as Eliot Spitzer, Patron Saint of Hookers; Tim Mahoney, the proud Florida Democrat with multiple mistresses who replaced the Republican with the “drinking problem”; the lizard-tongued humanoid adulterer John Edwards; and last but not least, America’s greatest mayor and sexiest texter, Kwame Kilpatrick.

John Edwards
Lizard-tongued what?

William Jefferson, official photo.jpg

Above: Democratic Congressman William “the Refrigerator” Jefferson of Louisiana in better days….

Former New York Governor’s “friend”….

In this Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008 file photo, Illinois Gov. Rod ...
Not guilty of anything…In this Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008 file photo, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has some final words for the media after he announces his choice of former Ill. Attorney General Roland Burris to fill President-elect Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate seat in Chicago. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has revoked embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s access to classified federal security information, officials said Friday.(AP Photo/Paul Beaty, file)

Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., smiles as he leaves the House of ... 
Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., smiles as he leaves the House of Representatives, Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2008. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

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