Blago considered Oprah Winfrey for Senate

Seems like Governor Blagojevish of Illinois is in the media manipulation business for himself….Now he hired a PR firm and his lawyer quit….Blago is making the rounds of TV shows and will be on “The View” today….

See Blago with Diane Sawyer this morning on “Good Morning America”


Associated Press

Gov. Rod Blagojevich, taking his defense to television rather than his impeachment trial, lashed out at his accusers Monday and revealed he had considered naming Oprah Winfrey to the U.S. Senate.

The embattled governor told ABC’s “Good Morning America” that the idea of nominating the talk show host came to him as he explored potential candidates for the job that federal prosecutors allege he tried to sell to the highest bidder.

“She seemed to be someone who would help Barack Obama in a significant way become president,” he said. “She was obviously someone with a much broader bully pulpit than other senators.”

The governor worried, though, that the appointment of Winfrey might come across as a gimmick and that the talk show host was unlikely to accept.

In the end, Blagojevich appointed former Illinois attorney general Roland Burris to the vacant seat.

 Oprah, Worth $1.5 Billion or More, Fails To Do Her Work


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