Blago in “Victim TV Tour” Quotes MLK; But Transcript Quotes May Land Him in Jail

“You know, during times like this there’s a saying Dr. (Martin Luther) King had. ‘In the end, we remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.’ It’s a very lonely period. When things like this happen, people tend to be afraid to talk to you,” Governor Rod Blagojevich said today on The Early Show on CBS.

“I have two little girls and they are hearing a lot of bad things about their Dad,” Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich said this morning on the CBS morning show with Harry Smith.

I thought I could hear a judge shout, “Irrelevant. Overruled.”

This is day two of the “Blago Is The Victim” tour on TV.

On the Early Show on CBS this Tuesday the Illinois Governor said, “If present trends continue, I’ll be out of work in the not-too-distant future. I’m not delusional in terms of what my likelihood of success is to convince those senators to give me a fair trial.”

” … It’s more important than me. It’s about the people who twice elected me. You can’t throw a governor out without giving that governor a chance to show he did nothing wrong. That’s what they’re doing. It’s a dangerous precedent.

“But if you’re asking me do I see myself like a modern-day Frank Capra movie, and I’m the Jimmy Stewart or Gary Cooper character, a guy idealistically trying to do what’s right for people, fighting a system, and then be pushed back? Yeah, I see myself that way.”

Yesterday the Illinois Governor compared himself to Martin L. King, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Today Blago also quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. in his apparent effort to be more black and more sypathetic and more a victim.

Don’t expect Roland Burris, Oprah or Barack Obama to rush to his defense…..


Governors Gone Wild: Paterson Cancels Swiss Ski Trip, Blago On TV, Arnold Stands Tall

From CBS:

From CNN:


By ANDREA ZELINSKI, Associated Press Writer

A day after Gov. Rod Blagojevich‘s loudly proclaimed his innocence during a media blitz, the governor’s more private words are to take center stage at his impeachment trial.

The state Senate was expected Tuesday to hear secretly made wiretaps of Blagojevich allegedly discussing how he could benefit from his appointment power.

Blagojevich never denied the remarks federal prosecutors attribute to him, but insists they were taken out of context and he did nothing illegal.

The impeachment trial — the first for a U.S. governor in more than 20 years — opened Monday with House-appointed prosecutor David Ellis telling senators he will show that Blagojevich “repeatedly and utterly abused the powers and privileges of his office.”

Read the rest:

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