New Congress, President But Abortion Issue Lives On

As the new Congress and President Obamna settled into the start of their second week in office, a lively debate on abortion again threated peace in Washington DC.

After House Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, asked the exact nature of “family planning” money in the stimulus bill, and how that might stimulate the economy, President Obama apparently asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to remove that funding from the bill.

Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House Republican whip, had called Obama’s initial support of Pelosi’s family planning issue “divisive.”

On ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos   House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was challenged by the host on the issue and she said she had “no apologies.”

Pelosi, who has said in the past she is a Roman Catholic, has also been attacked in the past on her pontificating on the subject of abortion.

And now abortion is center stage as Rep. Lance Kinzer, an Kansas Republican, introduced legislation Monday requiring that 30 minutes before performing an abortion, the doctor give the woman a chance to see a sonogram and get a copy of the image. If fetal heart monitoring is done, the woman would have a right to listen.

The Roman Catholic Church has already criticized President Obama on his decision to release funding to agencies that support abortions.  In the statement from the Vatican, Archbishop Rino Fisichella criticized “the arrogance of someone who believes they are right, in signing a decree which will open the door to abortion and thus to the destruction of human life.”


Associated Press
The House Judiciary Committee’s chairman has opened the Legislature’s annual debate on abortion with what he calls a “woman’s right to know and see” bill.

Rep. Lance Kinzer, an Olathe Republican, introduced legislation Monday requiring that 30 minutes before performing an abortion, the doctor give the woman a chance to see a sonogram and get a copy of the image. If fetal heart monitoring is done, the woman would have a right to listen.

“There is no better way to know the physiological development than to see,” Kinzer said. “This bill is a sincere attempt by those of us on the pro-life side to find an area where we can have some consensus.”

Read the rest:

Critics of Obama “Arrogance” on Life and Death Issues
Birth Control is Part of Economic ‘Stimulus,’ Where Is My Viagra?

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