Super Bowl Cancels Schools; American Education Easily Delayed By Party, Storm, etc.

President Obama joked last week in apparent disapproval as Washington DC metro schools were closed for a minor, by Chicago standards, snow and ice storm.

He even quoted his children making fun of the Washington DC culture.

Now the Pittsburgh schools have already announced a two hour late opening time to accomodate students and parents after the Super Bowl party.

Seems it doesn’t take much to stop education in America.

After the earthquake in China last year, just about all the schools were ruined in the earthquake area.  Makeshift schools started soon thereafter in tents and on roadsides.

You reap what you sew….



Bankers register at the Beijing University of Technology, as others wait for picture-taking.  This for a stock broker and investment advisor exam.  Wall Street needs more education?  Photo: Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times

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