Even Democrats Showing Signs Of Economic Despair, Worry at White House Inertia

The stimulus is not working, the economy is still in deep trouble and the hole seems to be growing and on Capitol Hill concern is growing that they are watching as the recession turns toward depression.

And the president hasn’t done enough and hasn’t put his administration on a readiness footing as if for a war.

It isn’t just old school Republians and Rush Limbaugh saying the president hasn’t done enough: a growing list of Democrats and media commentators are now expressing dire concern in public.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) excoriated the Treasury Department this morning for failing to adequately trace banks’ use of taxpayer bailout money they were awarded last year and called for better oversight by the Obama administration.

“If the new administration is to avoid perpetuating the approach of the past, real change is going to have to be necessary,” said Kucinich, who is chairing a domestic policy subcommittee hearing.

“This will cost the taxpayers $3 trillion before its all over,” Kucinich told Fox News on Wednesday afternoon.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich said the government needs to keep better track of how banks are using their bailout money. Photo: Sabrina Eaton/The Plain Dealer

As CNN reports today, “One New Hampshire congresswoman said … to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on Capitol Hill recently, ‘hurry, please hurry, because people are waiting and they are hurting, and they need the help now.'”

That was Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, D-New Hampshire, who expressed a growing despair as mirrored by voters who have lost jobs, houses, IRA wealth and stock portfolios.

We are in a tsunami and everyione is starting to look at the captain of our ship of state and ask, “Is this all we can do?”

“For the first time in years we produced an honest budget,” President Obama said today before signing the Omnibus spending bill containing some 8,500 earmarks.  The bill totals a stunning  $410 billion — maybe $8 billion in earmarks  accorning to bedget watchdogs.  The bill funds the U.S. government through the end of this fiscal year.

This follows the economic stimulus bill of some $740 billion which will soar to about $1 trillion due to interest payments on the debt.

But the economy has yet to rebound and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has already said maybe we need another stimulus….


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Obama Doesn’t Understand What Many Americans Are Thinking

 Pelosi: Congress Needs to ‘Keep the Door Open’ to Second Stimulus Package

All The President’s Men: Where’s The Congressional Oversight?

Economic Situation Demads Nation, Politics With War Mindset

Obama Policy On Gitmo, Taliban, Afghanistan, Intel: As Stupid as It Gets

Buffett: Obama not at war; has toxic message machine on economy

Voters’ Obama Folly Coming Home to Roost

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