Pelosi’s Stimulus II? Lawmakers Propose No Cost, High Employment Energy Package

Economists, politicians, and the public alike are questioning the viability of the massive $787 billion stimulus signed into law. In response, Congressman Rob Bishop (R–UT) and Senator David Vitter (R–LA) recently introduced legislation that would create an estimated 2 million jobs, increase gross domestic product $10 trillion over the next 30 years, and lower energy costs—all without a huge expense to the taxpayer.

The No Cost Stimulus Act of 2009 would do this by expanding domestic energy supply and streamlining burdensome, unnecessary environmental review processes that have placed a stranglehold on access to reliable U.S. energy sources for decades.

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Why the No Cost Stimulus Act ?

Nancy Pelosi is already saying the nation will need another stimulus bill before we get out of this recession….

The $787 billion economic-stimulus plan was followed by today’s omnibus for $410 billion….

The interest payment on the debt from the stimulus and the omnibus will be about $500 billion…..And has anyone seen the economy start to rev up?
Obama Spending $1 Billion an Hour of Borrowed Money in First 50 Days
What are others doing?  Russia has energy but no jobs.  China has money but needs energy….
Russia, “Desperate For Cash,” Sells Oil to China In “Very Bad Deal”
President may Ask For “Global Bailout”
Obama, Geithner: recession requires global action 

Even Democrats Showing Signs Of Economic Despair, Worry at White House Inertia

Pelosi: Congress Needs to ‘Keep the Door Open’ to Second Stimulus Package

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. is kissed on the cheek by one ...


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