America’s Future? Grim Reality Unless Major Changes Are Adopted

In the future, America will be more diverse, more open to gays and more ploitically correct.

Americans will be even more caring for the human rights of their fellow man.

But Americans will generally be less wealthy, more stupid, more drug addicted and mezmerized by the future of the Internet and “Dancing With The Stars.”

Can another conclusion be reached?

America has lost or given away its industrial prowess.  Even the “Big 3” auto companies are on the public dole.


Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are up.  And if you go to any hospital for “care,” you’ll end up loaded with drugs.

Americans are working harder, playing less and earning less for more than ever before.

And our schools are failing miserably.

America still has massive military might: but many lawmakers want to give this away and spend the money on “other priorities.”

The USS Ronald Reagan
Above: Symbol of American greatness or a big bill payer?

In the future America, food security may be an issue, we could run out of water, and our health care system may collapse.

I didn’t make all this up: I am just good at reading the tea leaves (and the headlines).

Barack Obama has a full plate.  And so do parents, lawmakers, teachers and business executives: if we want to see a brighter future for our grandchildren.


 U.S. Students Failing International Science Measures

Government Picks Winners, Losers, Calls Other Shots and Pays The Bills: Happy Now?

Get the Feeling Russia and China Are Slicing Up The World and the U.S. Will Be Left Out?

Juggernaut of U.S. Industrial Might Now “Rust Belt,” For Good Or Bad?

California Water Crisis Signals Warning for Other States

Lofty Hopes, Dreams Shattered By Politics, Terrorism, Economy, Other Realities

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