Stimulus Throws Around So Much Money, Some Lawmakers, Families, Executives Get Rich

With something like $800 billion in the stimulus bill passed yesterday in the House of Representatives and maybe several trillion more to be decided later for bank bailouts (not to mention the TARP and other bailouts), who will get rich?

If history is any guide, lawmakers, their families and top executives across the country will get rich with your tax money….


By Stephen Dinan and S. A. Miller
The Washington Times

A top House Republican is demanding an investigation into whether the more than $2 billion for national parks in the House stimulus package is proper in light of the fact that the chief lobbyist for the National Parks Conservation Association is the son of House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey.

NPCA is a major player in advocating for national parks funding, and its senior vice president for government affairs is Craig Obey, son of the Wisconsin Democrat who has long been his party’s top Appropriations Committee member.

The money included in the stimulus bill that passed Mr. Obey’s committee – $2.25 billion – was about equal to the National Park Service’s total yearly budget, and would be a staggering increase and almost three times the $802 million that the Senate Appropriations Committee approved for park spending in its stimulus bill.

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