Daschle Badly Hurt Obama, Universal Health Care — No Matter the Reason, There’s No Excuse

We’ve heard it all.  Daschle was greedy and wanted to be rich.  Daschle was too busy to get into his tax details.  Daschle had no idea.

It doesn’t matter.

Daschle wounded his president and friend.  That matters.

And he will end up causing a delay in the administration’s plan to gain for Americans universal health care.

That really matters.

Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) called the Daschle caper “awkward, embarrassing and troublesome.”

But we still have 3 years and 350 some days left in this Obama term for health care, right?

Time is not important, right?

Bill and Hillary Clinton thought that after Hillary’s closed-door health care reform try years ago.  They could never get a second shot at the piñata.

Barack Obama said the stimulus was an economic necessity — a burning emergency.

By rushing, Obama has settled for a Nancy Pelosi rush job in the House of Representative: a badly bloated and pork-filled monster few can embrace.

After all the “withdrawals” (read resignations under fire) and the stimulus debacle, universal health care may be just too hard to swallow, given that it now has no administration point man and probably won’t for a month or so.

Ed Rollins has an essay on CNN under the headline, “Daschle Did The Honorable Thing.”

That’s Ed’s opinion — and it doesn’t matter.

What matters is the harm Daschle has caused for whatever the reason.  That matters — and Daschle will forever be diminished.

So blindfold Barack, spin him around, and have him designate a new HHS chief.

He’ll do better than he did on his first try with Daschle.


 Democratic Senator Calls Resignations from Obama Team “Awkward, Embarrassing, Troublesome”


3 Responses to “Daschle Badly Hurt Obama, Universal Health Care — No Matter the Reason, There’s No Excuse”

  1. towp Says:

    As usual-well said-and you’re right ‘why’ dosen’t matter, but having read your post twice I do see one underlying cause–inexperience.

  2. smellytourist Says:

    Hey, if Daschle delayed universal health care than he’s the Man.

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