Culture of Corruption: Many Americans Losing Trust in Government?

“Go, Mazine (sic) and Nancy. Who listens to professional character assassins such as Malkin? Isn’t Malkin a modern deriviative of Maulkin, one of Macbeth’s witch’s evil associates? Seems like something evil reeks everytime I click on one of these weird missives.”

That according to John Welsh, one of my readers.

We seem to have becme a nation that says its OK to respond to truth with personal attacks and character assassination.

We are too quick to holler racism when the news is color-blind and Barack promised a post-racial world.

We have come to accept lies, corruption and those that break the law.  If you do evil: come back in a few weeks and we’ll forgive.

Bernie Madoff might be the exception….


Do you think Nancy Pelosi will investigate her California pal Maxine Waters for conflict of interest?  There is still an ethics panel in the House, isn’t there?


When Rep. Barney Frank was looking to aid a Boston-based lender last fall, the Massachusetts Democrat urged Maxine Waters, a colleague on the House Financial Services Committee, to “stay out of it,” he says.

The reason: Ms. Waters, a longtime congresswoman from California, had close ties to the minority-owned institution, OneUnited Bank.

Ms. Waters and her husband have both held financial stakes in the bank. Until recently, her husband was a director. At the same time, Ms. Waters has publicly boosted OneUnited’s executives and criticized its government regulators during congressional hearings. Last fall, she helped secure the bank a meeting with Treasury officials.

Read the rest from the Wall Street Journal:

[Rep. Maxine Waters] Getty Images

Rep. Maxine Waters, center, with Earvin “Magic” Johnson, left, and Ms. Waters’s husband, Sidney Williams, at the 2009 BET Honors Reception in Washington, D.C.


Here’s another case of splitting the truth….

Candidate For Detroit Mayor a Little Slick With The Truth

Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing’s education credentials have come into question, with Syracuse University saying he received his bachelor’s almost three decades after Bing claims he did and an acknowledgment from the candidate’s spokesman that his assertion of having a master’s degree is false.

The Detroit Free Press reported Wednesday that Bing has embellished his Syracuse credentials in biographical material. The claim of having a master’s degree in business administration is made on a video directed at pro players preparing for life after basketball.

Syracuse spokesman Kevin Morrow told the newspaper that Bing, who went on to a basketball Hall of Fame career with the Detroit Pistons, wasn’t awarded an undergraduate degree in economics until 1995, after he completed additional courses. Bing has claimed repeatedly he completed college in 1966.

Bing spokesman Cliff Russell told the newspaper the discrepancies are the result of misunderstandings……

Read the rest:

Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing speaks to suporters at a primary election
AP – Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing speaks to suporters at a primary election night rally in Detroit

Republicans: If You Can’t Agree On Core Values Now, Commit Harakiri

 Obama’s Hope, Post-Partisan, Post-Racial Promises Were All BS
Obama’s mythical mystique of government and science and their inherent moral benevolence

 Obama’s Schools Will Have To Follow Federal Rules, Like Socialist, Communist Schools

Since Obama’s Election; Guns, Ammo Running Out in Stores

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel gestures prior ... 
He wanted to run the census and now will oversee the writing of a measure to federalize schools. You still trust your government, right? Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel gestures prior to the inauguration ceremony of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States, in Washington, January 20, 2009.(Jim Young – UNITED STATES/Reuters)

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