Archive for the ‘truth’ Category

Culture of Corruption: Many Americans Losing Trust in Government?

March 13, 2009

“Go, Mazine (sic) and Nancy. Who listens to professional character assassins such as Malkin? Isn’t Malkin a modern deriviative of Maulkin, one of Macbeth’s witch’s evil associates? Seems like something evil reeks everytime I click on one of these weird missives.”

That according to John Welsh, one of my readers.

We seem to have becme a nation that says its OK to respond to truth with personal attacks and character assassination.

We are too quick to holler racism when the news is color-blind and Barack promised a post-racial world.

We have come to accept lies, corruption and those that break the law.  If you do evil: come back in a few weeks and we’ll forgive.

Bernie Madoff might be the exception….


Do you think Nancy Pelosi will investigate her California pal Maxine Waters for conflict of interest?  There is still an ethics panel in the House, isn’t there?


When Rep. Barney Frank was looking to aid a Boston-based lender last fall, the Massachusetts Democrat urged Maxine Waters, a colleague on the House Financial Services Committee, to “stay out of it,” he says.

The reason: Ms. Waters, a longtime congresswoman from California, had close ties to the minority-owned institution, OneUnited Bank.

Ms. Waters and her husband have both held financial stakes in the bank. Until recently, her husband was a director. At the same time, Ms. Waters has publicly boosted OneUnited’s executives and criticized its government regulators during congressional hearings. Last fall, she helped secure the bank a meeting with Treasury officials.

Read the rest from the Wall Street Journal:

[Rep. Maxine Waters] Getty Images

Rep. Maxine Waters, center, with Earvin “Magic” Johnson, left, and Ms. Waters’s husband, Sidney Williams, at the 2009 BET Honors Reception in Washington, D.C.


Here’s another case of splitting the truth….

Candidate For Detroit Mayor a Little Slick With The Truth

Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing’s education credentials have come into question, with Syracuse University saying he received his bachelor’s almost three decades after Bing claims he did and an acknowledgment from the candidate’s spokesman that his assertion of having a master’s degree is false.

The Detroit Free Press reported Wednesday that Bing has embellished his Syracuse credentials in biographical material. The claim of having a master’s degree in business administration is made on a video directed at pro players preparing for life after basketball.

Syracuse spokesman Kevin Morrow told the newspaper that Bing, who went on to a basketball Hall of Fame career with the Detroit Pistons, wasn’t awarded an undergraduate degree in economics until 1995, after he completed additional courses. Bing has claimed repeatedly he completed college in 1966.

Bing spokesman Cliff Russell told the newspaper the discrepancies are the result of misunderstandings……

Read the rest:

Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing speaks to suporters at a primary election
AP – Detroit mayoral candidate Dave Bing speaks to suporters at a primary election night rally in Detroit

Republicans: If You Can’t Agree On Core Values Now, Commit Harakiri

 Obama’s Hope, Post-Partisan, Post-Racial Promises Were All BS
Obama’s mythical mystique of government and science and their inherent moral benevolence

 Obama’s Schools Will Have To Follow Federal Rules, Like Socialist, Communist Schools

Since Obama’s Election; Guns, Ammo Running Out in Stores

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel gestures prior ... 
He wanted to run the census and now will oversee the writing of a measure to federalize schools. You still trust your government, right? Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel gestures prior to the inauguration ceremony of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States, in Washington, January 20, 2009.(Jim Young – UNITED STATES/Reuters)

Obama: Let’s Be More Honest About Economy, Plans, Republicans

February 12, 2009

President Obama seems unwilling to acknowledge that reasonable and principled people oppose his stimulus bill because they believe another approach will yield significantly better results.

By Donald Lambro
The Washington Times

Throughout his prime-time Monday night news conference, the first of his presidency, he falsely characterized the plan’s Republican opponents as people who preferred to “do nothing versus do something.”

Now, there may be a few Republican members of Congress who may fit that description, though they are a tiny number, but anyone following the very loud and heated debate in Congress knows the loyal opposition has a full-blown plan of its own, heavily weighted on tax cuts.

Republicans certainly have acknowledged we are in a serious recession and they, like Mr. Obama, think the government has to take action to get this economy growing again. But he was unwilling to grant Republicans due recognition that they just have honest policy differences.

Now, he may disagree with what the Republicans are proposing, but don’t tell us they are not proposing anything or suggest they do not recognize the seriousness of the economy’s troubles. It is disrespectful and suggests he is unwilling to engage them in the kind of dialogue he has said many times that he welcomes.

There were several other things Mr. Obama said in his news conference – in which he gave an exhaustive defense of his economic recovery plan – that just were not true. Others were just preposterous understatements, such as his remark that the actions Iran has taken in recent years were “unhelpful.”

This is an evil regime that was providing al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq with roadside bombs that killed many of our troops. Surely such behavior cries out for a stronger description than “unhelpful.”

Several of his observations about the economy especially struck me as over the top.

The first is his belief that there is nearly unanimous agreement among economists that his $825 billion plus spending plan is the only way to get our economy moving again. There are many economists who question the efficacy of a massive public works spending plan because it has failed whenever it has been tried. The Cato Institute has run full-page newspaper ads that list nearly 100 top college and university economists who say his plan will not work.

Economists in many prestigious think tanks like the Hoover Institution, the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation have published many studies pointing out its flaws.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is critical of it, too. One CBO study showed only a fraction of the stimulus money would be spent by the end of this year, and perhaps only half by 2010 when it is quite likely the recession will be over. Jason Furman, Mr. Obama’s campaign economist, said last year that infrastructure spending was one of the “less effective” stimulus plans.

Mr. Obama’s claim that his plan will preserve or create nearly 4 million jobs came from a memorandum by two of his economic advisers, Jared Bernstein and Christina Romer. The memo noted, however, “all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margin of error.”

Throughout his news conference, the president went to great pains to characterize this recession as the worst ever. No one doubts its ferocity, but is this really “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression” or “an unprecedented problem” as he described it Monday night?

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office in 1933, unemployment was more than 35 percent, banks went under, businesses were closing left and right, home foreclosures skyrocketed, and the stock market crashed.

Last month, unemployment was more than 7 percent. Weekly economic data are routinely reported to be the lowest or the highest since the recession of 1990-91 (when the jobless rate hit 7 percent), or the recession of 1981-82 when the unemployment rate peaked at 10 percent plus.

As for the debate over whether spending massive sums of borrowed money will jump-start the economy, Mr. Obama said that was an issue we had “resolved a pretty long time ago” under the New Deal.

But for all the New Deal spending on make-work, public works projects, the jobless rate by the end of the 1930s stood at 25 percent, according to Commerce Department and Census Bureau data.

Sadly, no reporter at Monday night’s press conference asked Mr. Obama to point to one place or time where his plan had worked before. Ironically, he mentioned Japan’s painful experience throughout the 1990s when it tried one public works, infrastructure spending plan after another. But he did not connect the dots. Japan spent hundreds of billions of dollars, but without any improvement in its economy for the entire “lost decade.”

There’s a painful lesson to be learned there, but one Mr. Obama and his economic advisers refuse to acknowledge.

Donald Lambro, chief political correspondent of The Washington Times, is a nationally syndicated columnist.