Archive for the ‘divisions’ Category

Obama: Nation’s Hopes Never Higher, Times Seldom Tougher, Give Us Your Highest Vision

January 20, 2009

My expectations for Barack Obama starting on this Inauguration Day could not be higher.

He’s a gifted public orator with a huge election win under his belt and “political capital” like few ever before him.  As the throng on the mall this morning shows, people from all over America love this man and expect greatness from him.

He has to deliver.

He has to change the nation’s course and perhaps that of the world.

I want to hear his real vision.  Not rhetoric.  I want to hear a master plan from a Harvard educated black man that has risen as high as any American can go.

I want to hear “We Americans are no longer the land of pork barrel spending, party divisions, racial strife and discord.  We will meet any challenge, climb any mountain….”

He needs to state a vision that is more than “hope” and less than a blueprint.  He needs to make me think all the talk in Congress on “infrastructure” in the stimulus is just a bunch of pigs talking pork.  I want President Obama to say, “Listen up.  There is a new law in town and in America and in the world…..”

What do the pundits say we’ll hear:

Washington Post:
“In his much-anticipated inaugural address, Obama will stress the need for “a new era of responsibility” as he lays out the challenges ahead….”

 Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address: What To Expect
One of the most common themes among all the presidential inaugural speeches is hope; mixed with an uplifting message on the power of God and prayer and a brighter tomorrow.  Barack Obama’s speech will probably feature his trademark “hope” but he may also issue a real challenge of responsibility, public service and sacrifice.

Obama’s Inauguration Speech: Sneak Preview
Inauguration: In a time of fear, a moment of hope
Obama’s Genius, Inauguration Day, and Hope

The Washington Post says we should expect the “responsibility” theme full bore:

From CNN:
President-elect Barack Obama’s inaugural address is one of the most anticipated speeches….

The Obamas met with the Bushes at the White House on Tuesday after a morning church service.

The Obamas met with the Bushes at the White House on Tuesday after a morning church service.

'This is America happening'