Archive for the ‘polygamy’ Category

Obama’s Rick Warren Pick: Glib, Callous, Conscious

December 28, 2008

Obama’s pick was a slap at gays: a glib, conscious and callous insult from a man with too much hubris….Indicative, perhaps, of trouble ahead…Rick Warren may be a prayer but he is not seen as a healer….

Charles Krauthammer suggested on Fox News this last week that Barack Obama needed a man standing behind him wispering, “You are only mortal…”  This a reference to Roman generals returning after great victories….


Barack Obama is generating huge hopes even before he takes office. So much so that his name and face, affixed to any product, may be the last commodity left in the marketplace that can still move Americans to shop.

By Frank Rich
The New York Times

I share these high hopes. But for the first time a faint tinge of Bush crept into my Obama reveries this month.

As we saw during primary season, our president-elect is not free of his own brand of hubris and arrogance, and sometimes it comes before a fall: “You’re likable enough, Hillary” was the prelude to his defeat in New Hampshire. He has hit this same note again by assigning the invocation at his inauguration to the Rev. Rick Warren, the Orange County, Calif., megachurch preacher who has likened committed gay relationships to incest, polygamy and “an older guy marrying a child.” Bestowing this honor on Warren was a conscious — and glib — decision by Obama to spend political capital. It was made with the certitude that a leader with a mandate can do no wrong.

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