Archive for the ‘polls’ Category

Obama “Strongly Approve” Number from 42% to 36% in Last 60 Days; Geithner 24% Or Less

March 23, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 36% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-one percent (31%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +5.

From Rasmussen

At the time of his inauguration, Obama’s approval rating was above 40% with only about 16% stongly disapproving.


Geithner’s Poll Numbers March 23

America’s Political Class gives Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner rave reviews: 76% have a favorable opinion of him. Two-thirds (66%) of the Political Class say Geithner’s doing a good or excellent job handling the credit crisis and federal bailouts.

However, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that America’s Populists see things from an entirely different perspective. Just 12% of Populists have a favorable opinion of Geithner, and only 11% say he’s doing a good or an excellent job.

Most Populists (53%) rate Geithner’s performance as poor, but not a single Political Class survey respondent said the Treasury secretary is doing a poor job.

The findings are especially telling as calls increase for Geithner’s resignation following the disclosure that American International Group (AIG) paid its executives $165 million in bonuses after receiving a $170-billion taxpayer bailout to stay in business. Geithner was aware of the bonuses and did little or nothing to stop them.

Overall, among all adults, 24% have a favorable opinion of Geithner, 44% have an unfavorable opinion, and 33% are not sure. Twenty-one percent (21%) of adults say Geithner is doing a good or an excellent job while 40% say he is doing a poor job.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D- Ohio, pauses in the elevator after arriving on Capitol


Politicians Who Took AIG Money Should Give It Back

Two-out-of-three Americans (67%) believe that politicians who received campaign contributions from American International Group (AIG) should return the money. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 21% disagree and 13% are not sure.

The belief that the politicians should give back the money is shared by a solid majority of every measured demographic group except one – America’s Political Class. In that elite group, just 29% think the contributions should be returned while 63% reject that idea.

Among America’s Populists, 77% believe the campaign cash should be returned, and only 14% disagree. Most Americans have Populist attitudes. and their perspective can reasonably be considered the perspective of Mainstream America.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. ... 
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. took more AIG money than anyone else.  Senator Obama was second……(AP photo/Harry Hamburg)

Obama’s Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

March 13, 2009

It is simply wrong for commentators to continue to focus on President Barack Obama’s high levels of popularity, and to conclude that these are indicative of high levels of public confidence in the work of his administration. Indeed, a detailed look at recent survey data shows that the opposite is most likely true. The American people are coming to express increasingly significant doubts about his initiatives, and most likely support a different agenda and different policies from those that the Obama administration has advanced.

Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama’s net presidential approval rating — which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve — is just six, his lowest rating to date.

Read the rest from The Wall Street Journal

[Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth] M.E. Cohen, WSJ

As Challenges Mount, Obama’s Global Luster Tarnishing … Already

January 18, 2009

“Maybe someone will ask for his impeachment by the end of next week.”

It is the fickle nature of being a superstar, rock star or politician I guess….

Caution To New American Government: Polls Can Plummet in a Heartbeat

In The U.S., Obama’s Populatity Grows as Inauguration Nears

Obama Reelection Effort Begins


By WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer

Barack Obama got a global standing ovation long before he was elected president. But in a fickle and fast-moving world, the overseas reviews are already turning mixed.

In this July 24, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama ... 
In this July 24, 2008 file photo, President-elect Barack Obama waves as he arrives at the Victory Column in Berlin. Though much of the world will party through the night Tuesday after Obama is sworn in as America’s 44th president, just as it did when he was elected, there are signs the ardor is cooling as the sheer weight of his challenges sinks in. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Though much of the world will party through the night Tuesday after Obama is sworn in as America’s 44th president — just as it did when he was elected — there are signs the ardor is cooling as the sheer weight of his challenges sinks in.

A deepening global recession, new hostilities in the Middle East, complications in closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan — an impatient world has a stake in all of them and is asking how much change Obama can deliver.

“Just two months ago, the future president seemed a cross between Superman and Merlin the magician,” Massimo Gramellini wrote in a commentary for Italy’s La Stampa newspaper. “Now he himself admits he won’t be able to keep all his promises, and who knows? Maybe someone will ask for his impeachment by the end of next week.”

“The idealism has diminished,” said Samuel Solvit, who heads an Obama support network in France. “Everyone was dreaming a little. Now people are more realistic.”

Muslims want to know why Obama hasn’t joined the chorus of international criticism of Israel’s Gaza offensive. Last week posters of him were set on fire in Tehran to shouts of “Death to Obama!”

“By the time Obama takes office, hundreds or thousands more will be killed in Gaza and it will be too late for him to act,” said Adel Fawzi, an Egyptian government clerk in Cairo.

Hardline demonstrators burn posters of U.S. President-elect ... 
Hardline demonstrators burn posters of U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, during a demonstration in support of the people of Gaza, in front of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran January 13, 2009.REUTERS/Stringer (IRAN)

Read the rest:

Caution To New American President, Government: Polls Can Plummet in a Heartbeat

January 18, 2009

It’s all Obama all the time right now.  Adoring crowds.  Train rides.  Astronomical poll ratings.  Kitchy chochkys of the President-elect, White House, even Biden.

But as we all know this can change overnight.  Faster than overnight sometimes.

George W. Bush had the highest approval ratings of any president ever after 9-11.  After Katrina he was all wet.  Remember, “You’re doing a heck of a job Brownie”?

Don’t laugh and say, “This can’t happen to us.”

It can happen to anyone.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary wanted to be the Prime Minister last summer but then he carried a banana into a meeting.  He even waved it and smiled a goofy smile. An Alfred E. Newman smile. A Mister Bean smile.

Now he is toast.  He’s the laughingstock.  Even India’s media took him apart when he visited this week.

So for all in the new administration: enjoy every second as it comes.  It doesn’t get any better than this moment today.

Left: Brit Foreign Secretary David Milliband with the “Killer Banana.”


Obama Reelection Effort Begins
As Challenges Mount, Obama’s Global Luster Tarnishing … Already

Focus Groups, Polls Helping Obama Spin Stimulus — Bloomberg

January 9, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama’s top political aides are transplanting their campaign tactics to the policy arena, using data from polls and focus groups to shape the debate over a stimulus plan that may cost at least $775 billion.

David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political adviser, along with campaign media adviser Jim Margolis, are encouraging lawmakers to use the word “recovery” instead of recession, and “investment” instead of “infrastructure.” Those recommendations came from focus-group research indicating that such framing would make the package more appealing to voters.
By Lorraine Woellert and Hans Nichols

The Obama camp is trying to build support for the stimulus proposals, which have encountered resistance from lawmakers of both parties over size and cost. Republicans have employed similar tactics in past policy debates, notably when they labeled the estate tax as the “death” tax in arguing for its repeal.

“Not unlike news organizations, we poll public attitudes about where the economy is,” Robert Gibbs, Obama’s choice for White House press secretary, said in an interview. “We’re not polling to see what should be in an economic-recovery plan.”

Axelrod and Margolis briefed Senate Democratic leaders yesterday morning and their House counterparts at lunch today on the details of the research, participants in the meetings said.

Obama Speech

Reinforcing the message, Obama today said the U.S. risks sinking deeper into an economic crisis without an infusion of government spending and a cut in tax rates, and urged Congress to act quickly on a stimulus package.

In a speech at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, Obama drew a portrait of a nation where family income is falling, the unemployment rate is rising and a “generation of potential and promise” may be lost without federal action.

“I don’t believe it’s too late to change course, but it will be if we don’t take dramatic action as soon as possible,” he said. “If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years.”

Obama officials are polling on how to frame the economic proposals for voters and what language should be used, Gibbs said. They want to know “how America reacts” to the president- elect’s stimulus proposals and the public’s “attitudes toward the economy,” he said.

Axelrod and Margolis encouraged the senators to change the way they were discussing the stimulus plan and adopt language that the aides had tested in focus groups, said a Democratic official briefed on the meeting.

Wrong Signal

The two Obama advisers said the old way of talking about the plan sends the wrong signal, the Democratic official said, adding that the substance of the package was also discussed.

The Democratic senators, including Dick Durbin of Illinois and Tom Carper of Delaware, were given data showing that about half the poll’s respondents favored making huge investments that would expand government during a recession even if such measures result in a $1 trillion deficit.

Obama’s economic stimulus proposals encountered opposition today in the Senate, where some members of his party criticized elements of the plan as ineffective.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, said he doubted a $140 billion proposal to give $500 to individuals and $1,000 to families by withholding less from their paychecks would do much to boost the economy. Conrad said the idea was similar to rebate checks sent last year by the Treasury Department, which he said were “largely a bust” in terms of fixing the economy.

‘Very Skeptical’

“I’m very skeptical that’s going to make a difference,” he told reporters in Washington. “For the average family, it’s going to add $20 a week — I mean, how much lift is that going to give?”

Axelrod dismissed any notion that Democrats were divided or weren’t committed to acting swiftly. “What I sense is a real spirit of cooperation,” he said today in an interview after briefing House leaders on his polling.

“There’s an enormous appetite in this country for action,” he said. He declined to provide specifics about his polling and focus-group data.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said she was satisfied with the conclusions of Axelrod’s polls, which she called “very, very positive.”

‘Like the Brand’

“People don’t know the details but they like the brand,” she said.

It isn’t unusual for White House aides to commission polls to determine where the public stands on an issue, though the law prohibits them from using federal money for polling that might be construed as election-related, said Dick Morris, who conducted polling for former President Bill Clinton.

“We polled everything, every policy initiative, everything you can think of,” Morris said. “It’s become pretty standard.”

By contrast, he said, President George W. Bush “didn’t really poll policy, he polled the presentation.”

The question, he said, was whether Obama followed the Clinton or Bush model.

“My guess is that Obama will more like Clinton than Bush,” he said.

Obama, who takes office Jan. 20, has said his economic package won’t be influenced by political calculations. He has instructed his advisers “to make sure that we are proceeding on projects and investments based on national priorities and not based on politics,” he told a news conference on Nov. 26.

Congressional Republicans dismissed the Democrats’ plans to use poll-tested language to help pass a stimulus package.

“President-elect Obama’s real problem is that congressional Democrats don’t believe that tax relief is critical to revitalizing the economy and is overwhelmingly supported by the American people,” said Brad Dayspring, spokesman for Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-ranking House Republican.

Cheney Really Is Most Disliked, Poll Says: Implications For Executive Branch?

December 23, 2008

Most Americans do not approve of Dick Cheney as vice president.  But the bad news it that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are talking about a lesser role for the next Vice President and that may mean a lesser role for all future vice presidents.

Maybe the lesson should be that a guy like Cheney is never going to be popular in the polls — and maybe that is all right.  Maybe even a good thing.

Said Keating Holland, CNN polling director, “The messenger may be getting in the way of the message.”

By John E. Carey
Peace and Freedom

Well maybe, just maybe, Cheney should never have been a messenger and should not be spinning the message.  The man cannot spin.  He really is that sure and unaware or uncaring (probably the later, the man is very aware) about what many others think — even what they think of him.

Part of Cheney’s problem, if it is that, is that he never wanted to be liked and he never watched opinion polls.  He told Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday that he never watched the polls and concentrated on what he thought to be the “right thing.”

“I’m very comfortable with where we are and what we achieved substantively. And frankly, I would not want to be one of those guys who spends all his time reading the polls. I think people like that shouldn’t serve in these jobs,” Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday.”

A Fox News handout image shows US Vice President Dick Cheney ... 
A Fox News handout image shows US Vice President Dick Cheney (left) being interviewed by Mike Wallace in Washington, DC. Cheney has strongly defended controversial interrogations and surveillance operations in the US “war on terror,” while acknowledging he was not sure if terror mastermind Osama bin Laden was still alive.(AFP/HO Fox News/File)

But we are at war and in our constitutional system the executive branch is permitted greater scope and power during war — hundreds of Congressmen and Senators can’t even come up with an auto industry bailout let alone wage war.

So we have some regrets when we hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden talking about a diminished role for the Vice President…

I like Cheney’s use of the word “substantively.”  The Veep is not just a messenger to the media: he is the president’s “thinker in chief.”

Maybe we should allow the president to determine the value of the VEEP — not the polls.

Asked about Biden’s role as Vice President, Cheney said that he had heard that Biden was seeking a smaller role as Vice President but that “it will be President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to diminish the office of the Vice President”….

Sure.  Former Chaiman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe Biden will be busy with the White House Task Force on Working Families.

A spokeswoman for the vice-president-elect said “Biden had no intention of continuing the practice started by Vice President Cheney of regularly attending internal legislative branch meetings — he firmly believes in restoring the Office of the Vice President to its historical role.”

Maybe we are returing to the era of Vice President John Nance Garner who was quoted as saying his job was “not worth a bucket of warm spit.”

Or maybe future Vice Presidents will be more like dynamo Dan Quayle….


A new national poll suggests that almost a quarter of Americans think that Dick Cheney is the worst vice president in American history.

Twenty-three percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday say that Cheney is the country’s worst vice president, when compared with his predecessors.

From Paul Steinhauser
CNN Deputy Political Director

An additional 41 percent feel that Cheney is a poor vice president, with 34 percent rating him a good number two.

Only one percent of those polled say that Cheney is the best vice president in U.S. history.

“On the Sunday talk shows, Cheney took on the job of making the affirmative case for the Bush legacy,” said Keating Holland, CNN polling director. “But the messenger may be getting in the way of the message.”

Cheney steps down as vice president January 20. He will be succeeded by Vice President-elect Joe Biden.

Vice President-elect Joe Biden listens as President-elect Barack ... 
Vice President-elect Joe Biden, in focus but in the shadow, listens as President-elect Barack Obama makes remarks.(AP Photo)

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