Archive for the ‘Zionists’ Category

Iran’s Ahmadinejad: Barack Obama should apologise for 60 years of ‘crimes’

January 28, 2009

In his own way of saying “thank you” to Barack Obama for his expressed respect for Muslims on Al-Arabiya , President Ahmadinejad has an idea or two for the new American president….


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanded on Wednesday that US President Barack Obama apologise for the “crimes” committed by the United States against Iran over the past 60 years.

By The Telegrapn (UK)

The hardline leader also called on Washington to withdraw its troops from across the world as a proof of Mr Obama’s commitment to change.

“You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years,” Mr Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that was broadcast by state television.

Barack Obama should apologise for 60 years of 'crimes'

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must ‘stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals’ Photo: REUTERS

“Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran.”

As to the troops, he said he expected two kinds of “deep and fundamental” change.

“Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies. If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders.”

Mr Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must “stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals”.

He called on the United States to “stop interfering in other people’s affairs”.

He also said the US government should “let the American people decide their own future … Stop pressuring them,” he added, without saying what he was referring to.

Mr Ahmadinejad said he welcomed change but the “change has to be fundamental”.

 Iran Says Again, Holocaust a ‘Big Lie’

Iran Will Have Nuke This Year?

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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium ... 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.(AFP/File/Atta Kenare)

Iran Says Again, Holocaust a ‘Big Lie’

January 27, 2009

Iran’s government spokesman on Tuesday branded the Holocaust a “big lie” created to place the Islamic republic’s arch-foe Israel in the Middle East, the state IRNA news agency reported.

“The Holocaust is a concept coming from a big lie in order to settle a rootless regime in the heart of the Islamic world,” Gholam Hossein Elham told a conference on Gaza in central Iran’s religious city of Qom.

It was not the first time an Iranian official has questioned the massacre of Jews by Nazis in World War II.

Iran does not recognise Israel, and since his election in 2005 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has attracted international condemnation by repeatedly predicting that the Jewish state is doomed to disappear.

In late 2005 Ahmadinejad branded the Holocaust a “myth.” His comment was followed by a conference in Tehran in 2006 that brought together Holocaust deniers and revisionists.

A mass-circulation Iranian newspaper also staged a controversial cartoon competition on the subject.

In September last year a group of Iranian Islamist students unveiled a book mocking the Holocaust and filled with anti-Semitic stereotypes and revisionist arguments.

The United Nations designated January 27 as international Holocaust memorial day in 2005, marking the date Soviet troops liberated the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Poland.

From AFP and AP

Iran Urges Arabs to Condemn Israel and All “Zionists”; Calls Palestinian Losses “Real Holocaust”

December 31, 2008

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who cannot even say the word “Israel” and has said the “Zionist state should be wiped from the earth,” is now urging the Arab League and all Arabs and Islamists to rise up against Israel.

Said Ahmadinejad: “The ongoing crimes committed by the cultureless Zionists in Gaza have saddened all advocates of liberty and freedom worldwide and pleased savages. Women, children, youth, the pious and devoted, and shelter-less men are being murdered in their land in the heaviest siege that does not allow entry of food and medicine for the crime of insisting on their basic human rights.”

“This is while leaders of arrogant, corrupt, bullying and oppressive powers and their affiliates, explicitly or implicitly support the criminals who commit these brutal acts by remaining silent.”

The Iranian president went on to add that “The disgraceful Zionists are not demonstrating their power, rather this is a show of their weaknesses. Killing civilians and defenseless people will not lead to the supremacy of the murderers. Zionists and their tyrannical patrons have reached a dead-end and are on the verge of decline. Such crimes only further darken their disgusting track record. The US regime and some European governments should know that they too will be held accountable for these crimes.”

He called Israel’s action in Gaza “The real Holocaust.”

In the past Mr. Ahmadinejad has said that israel fabricated the holocaust for its own reasons.

“Therefore, the people of Gaza represent all peace-seeking masses against all ugliness, aggressions and savagery. These people are sacrificing their lives to help uphold human dignity”
said Ahmadinejad.

Today Ahmadinejad said,  “If the Arab League does not want to do anything today, when does it want to act?” the president told a rally in Zahedan in southeast Iran.

“Aren’t these oppressed Palestinians Arabs? So when should the capacity of the Arab League be used? The Arab League should act quickly,” he said in a speech broadcast on state television. 

From Peace and Freedom

 Gaza Is “Proxy War to Eradicate Israel” Funded By Iran
Volunteer suicide bombers seek to attack Israel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium ... 
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.(AFP/File/Atta Kenare)


Iran’s president told the Arab League, which meets on Wednesday, it must act quickly to end Israeli attacks on Gaza Palestinians adding that setting up a committee or making speeches was not enough.

But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not suggest any specific action by Arab states, some of which had been criticised by non-Arab Iran for not doing enough to help protect Palestinians after more than 380 had been killed.

“If the Arab League does not want to do anything today, when does it want to act?” the president told a rally in Zahedan in southeast Iran.

“Aren’t these oppressed Palestinians Arabs? So when should the capacity of the Arab League be used? The Arab League should act quickly,” he said in a speech broadcast on state television.


He added that setting up a committee and making speeches was not adequate and would allow Israel to continue its actions.

Arab foreign ministers hold an emergency session at the Cairo-based Arab League on Wednesday. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said Cairo would propose a way to contain the current conflict to the ministers.

Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, has often been singled out for criticism by Iranian protesters for not doing more to help Palestinians. Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel, and Iran, which does not recognise the Jewish state, do not have full diplomatic ties.

Iran Cleric Tells All Muslims To Rise Up Against Isreal; Tumult in Mideast
Gaza Is “Proxy War to Eradicate Israel” Funded By Iran

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