Archive for the ‘NBC News’ Category

NBC Banning Conservatives?

January 6, 2009

NBC TV, widely criticized for its left-leaning and Pro-Obama agenda during the election campaign, has apparently continued its biased ways.

The Drudge Report is saying the the leading conservative writer Ann Coulter has been “banned from NBC.”

Coulter has a new book that is widely critical of the liberal media including NBC….

The Woman Unafraid to Rip Into Other Women (Like Caroline Kennedy, Sarah Palin….)

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter watches play at the U.S. ... 
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter watches play at the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York September 4, 2006.(Jeff Zelevansky/Reuters)


From The Drudge Report
The nation’s top selling conservative author has been banned from appearing on NBC, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
“We are just not going to have her on any more, it’s over,” a top network source explains.
But a second top suit strongly denies there is any “Coulter ban”.
“Look for a re-invite, as soon as Wednesday,” said the news executive, who asked not to be named.

NBC’s TODAY show abruptly cut Ann Coulter from its planned Tuesday broadcast, claiming the schedule was overbooked.
Executives at NBC TODAY replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton, who recently offered $1,000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter.
Hilton is also launching a new book this week, RED CARPET SUICIDE.

Above: Perez Hilton….

Paris Hilton

Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY. One network insider claims it was the book’s theme — a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era — that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist.
“We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants, either.” Others inside the peacock network strongly deny the book’s theme is at issue.
For the book, Coulter reportedly received the most-lucrative advance ever paid to a conservative author. The TODAY show eagerly invited the author months ago, for her first network interview on GUILTY. The exclusive was to air during the show’s 7 AM hour. The cut came Monday afternoon.
Coulter was also to appear on the TODAY’s fourth hour. A host even teased the segment saying the ‘conservative pit bull and bestselling author’ would be a guest.
NBC’s cable outlet, MSNBC, will also become a Coulter-free zone, insiders explain.
Morning host Joe Scarborough is said to be concerned with the new ban. “He’s working to overrule it,” tips a source.


By Paul J. Gough, Reuters

NBC News denied Monday that conservative author Ann Coulter has been banned from the network after “Today” dropped her from Tuesday’s program because of breaking-news events.

The Coulter incident garnered huge headlines on the Drudge Report, which reported that network sources said NBC was not going to allow the frequent guest to appear any more.

That’s not true, NBC News said Monday. Coulter’s segment was dropped from the schedule because of news that the show was expecting to cover in the Gaza Strip with the Israeli military action there and in Washington with the Obama transition. “Today” had booked former British prime minister Tony Blair. Coulter was to promote her new book, “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America.”

“We’ve had Ann Coulter on ‘Today’ many times, but because of the news in Washington and the Middle East, we decided to cancel her appearance tomorrow,” NBC News said in a statement Monday. “Understanding the media as well as she does, we are sure she knows this happens from time to time. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.”

Instead, Coulter will appear on CBS’ “The Early Show” to promote her book, according to an announcement on Coulter’s Web site. It wasn’t confirmed immediately by CBS.

“I guess this ends the ‘they just want to get ratings’ argument about liberal media bias,” Coulter wrote on her site of NBC. She was scheduled to appear January 9 on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity & Colmes.”

Coulter has a history with NBC, particularly “Today.” She went toe-to-toe with former co-host Katie Couric in 2002, whom she called “the affable Eva Braun” in her book “Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right.” Couric protested Coulter’s portrayal of the “Today” interview with Ronald Reagan biographer Edmund Morris that called the former president “an apparent airhead.”

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