Archive for the ‘emissions trading’ Category

EU leaders focus on climate deal

December 12, 2008

European Union leaders are said to be close to a compromise agreement in Brussels on how to achieve ambitious targets to fight global warming.

They are trying to agree a mechanism to cut EU carbon emissions by 20% by 2020.

Environmental groups have reacted angrily, criticising EU proposals on emissions trading which have emerged.


Scientists say carbon dioxide emissions need to be cut by 25-40% by 2020 for there to be a reasonable chance of avoiding dangerous climate change.

The impact of the financial crisis is undermining the EU’s long-term goal to build a new, low carbon economy.

BBC environmental analyst Roger Harrabin says the repercussions will make it much harder for the EU to achieve the 30% emissions cut it has promised if the rest of the world agrees to the new UN climate deal next year.

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