Archive for the ‘phone-in’ Category

Russia’s Vladimir (NOT The President) Putin Hosts Phone-In Show

December 4, 2008

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is set to face a series of questions about the economy when he takes part in a nationwide broadcast.

A Conversation with Vladimir Putin will be filmed at a studio near the Kremlin in front of a 400-strong audience.

People from across Russia will be able to put questions to the ex-president.

Last year, a million questions were submitted in advance, the Kremlin said. However, all were screened and none were considered overtly hostile to him.

Annual tradition

The BBC’s James Rodgers in Moscow says that perhaps the most significant thing about the “conversation” will not be the questions, but the person who is answering them.

Vladimir Putin (27 November 2008)
When Mr Putin was president, the broadcast became an annual tradition

When Mr Putin was president, the broadcast became an annual tradition.

Mr Putin left the Kremlin in May, after being obliged under the constitution to step down after two consecutive presidential terms.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,left, and Prime Minister Vladimir ...
When journalists see photographs like this from Russia they often ask, “Who is the school master?”  Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,left, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seen at their meeting in the Gorki residence outside Moscow, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008.(AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Vladimir Rodionov, Presidential Press Service)

But it is he, not his successor, Dmitry Medvedev, who will take to the airwaves again this year, our correspondent says.

Many will see that as a sign that it is Mr Putin, and not Mr Medvedev, who wields the real power in Russia, he adds.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visits a ballistic missile ...
Russian media has been full of manly photographs of Mr. Medvedev and Mr. Putin this year; but it is clear who is the biggest cock. .(AFP/Pool/File/Dmitry Astakhov)

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