Archive for the ‘Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe’ Category

New York Times Accused of “Gross Negligence”

December 22, 2008

The White House on Sunday issued a blistering 500-word response to a scathing 5,000-word article on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times that says President Bush and his style and philosophy of governing played a direct role in the mortgage meltdown that’s crippling the nation’s economy.

The response accused the nation’s largest Sunday paper of “gross negligence.”

“The Times’ ‘reporting’ in this story amounted to finding selected quotes to support a story the reporters fully intended to write from the onset, while disregarding anything that didn’t fit their point of view,” White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said in an e-mailed statement.

In an unusual double-header, The White House later issued a document headlined, “Setting the Record Straight: The Three Most Egregious Claims In The New York Times Article On The Housing Crisis.”

The article was part of the newspaper’s “The Reckoning Series” about the nation’s market implosion, and was headlined, “‘Ownership society’: White House Philosophy Stoked Mortgage Bonfire.”

Read the rest from Politico:


Times Publishes Bogus Letter — Violates Own Rules

From the Associated Press

The New York Times admitted Monday it published a fake letter purportedly from the mayor of Paris criticizing Caroline Kennedy’s bid for a U.S. Senate seat as “appalling” and “not very democratic.”

In a note posted Monday on its Web site, the Times said the letter signed by Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe was a fake and should not have been published because it violated the paper’s standards and procedures for publishing signed letters.

“We have already expressed our regrets to Mr. Delanoe’s office and we are now doing the same to you, our readers,” the Times said.

News of the hoax was first reported by France-Amerique, which published its story on its Web site Monday.

Click here to read the apology by The New York Times.